WHISKEY WRITES on our Finger Lime Cacao Cocktail Augmenters...
"Workhorse Rye’s Finger Lime & Cacao cocktail augmenters really set themselves apart and earn their eclectic title. The list of ingredients may not be long but each one really brings their own personality into the mix to create a truly unique piece of work. These would be fantastic in simple gin drinks to add additional zing and zest, they would really liven up a Manhattan if you had some unimpressive vermouth and only bottom shelf whiskey on hand, as well as some sour or smash based cocktails to bring in some added nuance."
WHISKEY WRITES on mixing a drink with our India Pear Bitters...
"Workhorse Rye recently sent me some of their India Pear Bitters and I thought their tart, earthy tones would match up well and reign in the sweetness of the whiskey and sugar in an Old Fashioned and they did quite an excellent job, though I used a bit more than I normally would, about half a sleeve.
India Pear Bitters & George Dickel Rye Old Fashioned
1.5oz George Dickel Rye
1/2 Sleeve Workhorse Rye India Pear Bitters
1 White Sugar Cube
1 Tsp. Water
Douse the sugar cube with the water and bitters, muddling until at least all large crystals are dissolved. Add whiskey and an ice cube, stir to combine. I left this one sans garnish mostly because I didn’t have any pears on hand and it didn’t need any additional complexity."
Whiskey Writes is a fantastic and thorough blog revolving around the world of whisk(e)y, bitters, and cocktails. In other words, we love them. Here are some of the words written about our products, head over to see many more interesting words and photos.
WHISKEY WRITES on our India Pear Bitters...